Door: Kees
Blijf op de hoogte en volg Kees
08 Juli 2014 | Australië, Sydney
Bao and Jesper, thanks for telling me about Billabong Gardens, a great little place with great people to call home for a week so I could find a job, where I happily returned yesterday to spend my last few nights in Australia before heading home. Jesper, I'm pretty sure your laugh is the loudest laugh I've ever heard.
John, Chris, Daniel, Moritz, other John, Wes and Wayne, and all the other people from that beautiful little shithole called corryong, and especially David, you guys made my time in said beautiful little shithole as bearable as possible. Looking back, it actually wasn't that bad of a time at all, even though we filled the days with a lot of whining and complaining. And for what it's worth, I definitely improved my poker skills during those months.
Daniel and Sarah, lord knows in wich ditch I would have ended up if I didn't meet you guys at the airport in Auckland. Along with you two, and Pia, Erik, and Frederik x2, I had an amazing time in New Zealand. I couldn't have asked for a better outcome of going to New Zealand without any kind of plan. Or actually I could, but sadly nobody can control the weather.
And I don't care what you guys think, you're supposed to cheat in monopoly. Fuck you.
Mart en Marjo, en de rest van de familie die ik heb mogen ontmoeten, ontzettend bedankt voor de Drielse (sorry, Ammerooise) gastvrijheid aan de andere kant van de wereld in Christchurch. Doe Finn nog maar een keer extra de groeten van mij :)
Back In Australia, Perth and upwards all the way to Bali to be sort of precise, same thing goes for Roisin, Taylor Ben and Greg. I'm pretty sure I had my best days and nights in Australia with you, and I'm very happy I met you guys in that shitty but awesome little property called Planet Inn. Lord knows what beat up wreck of a fifth-hand car I would have bought if you didn't have a spot left.
Greg, I still really want those pictures and diary pages from you. And come up with 52 already you bellend.
Faraz, Rajesh, Eli, Una, and in particular Drue (I'm sure I spelled most if not all of that wrong, awefully sorry about that), thanks for making my stay in Levuka, and with that Ovalau, a very authentic and fun one, I'm pretty sure my stay on ovalau literally couldn't have turned out any better for me.
And to all those people on the Yasawa's, Clay, Hype, Kazari, Chris, Lisa, Ecko, Rebecca, Simon, Angus, Carole, Elodie, Sarah, Pascal, and many more, even though I've only just spent one, or a few days with you, you made the Yasawa's that much more of a paradise than they already are on their own.
To all of you, and also to the countless other people who's names I have forgotten, or whose names I have never even known, and all the kind strangers who helped me out with whatever, and all the people who I should have mentioned above but forgot to do so because I'm only half awake after a sleepless night because of a Malaysian lady in my bunkbed who was snoring like a 50 year old fat guy, thanks for making the decision to book a flight to Australia one of the best decisions of my life. I hope to meet all of you again at some point!
08 Juli 2014 - 07:42
Marco Hermien Jasmijn En Jasper:
Jeetje Kees, wat een mooie woorden (en dan ook nog in Engels!) en wederom: wat prachtig geschreven! Geen wonder dat je journalistiek wilt gaan doen!
We kijken uit naar jouw thuiskomst en zijn superbenieuwd naar je verhalen en avonturen maar vooral om je weer te kunnen zien en horen!
Een helr goede terugreis gewenst en tot over een paar dagen!
Dikke kus van de Engeltjes XXX -
08 Juli 2014 - 09:26
Kees wat is het toch heerlijk en prachtig om je reisverslagen te lezen. Je bent nu bijna thuis . Bereid jezelf voor op al die knuffels en iedereen die al je verhalen en avonturen willen horen. Wij kijken er naar uit om je te zien en te horen. Goede reis. Alvast een hele dikke knuffel en kus van ons. Hans, Hennie, Marvin en Mike xxxx
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